Why list in the Moya business directory?

  1. Display your information on the MoyaFinancial.ca website.
  2. Connect with others in the Slovenian-Canadian business community.
  3. Reach Moya Financial members and our extended community.

To be included in Moya’s business directory please provide all required information. Your information is safe with us. All information provided will be used only to compile and maintain the Moya business directory.

If you need to update your listing, please contact us.

  • Business Information

    Your business address will not be displayed on your public profile if this is not checked.
  • Contact Information

    Your contact information will not be displayed on your public profile if this is not checked.
  • Note: To provide the best quality to our members, Moya Financial reserves the right to review and edit all submitted listings.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.